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Le « American Dream » toujours vivant

Qui a dit que le « American Dream » était mort ?

La victoire de Donald Trump à la présidence des États-Unis d’Amérique pourra aussi être interprétée comme un signe éclatant de la vivacité du « Rêve américain », le mythique concept fondateur de ce pays que tout est toujours possible en terre d’Amérique.

Oui, M. Trump a prouvé qu’il est encore possible à quiconque de déplacer les montagnes. Et pas obligatoirement avec de l’argent.


Détrompez-vous, et c’est la deuxième bonne nouvelle ici, certes le candidat Trump était déjà un richissime milliardaire aucunement en manque de moyens à cet égard, mais le montant dépensé pas son camp en publicité depuis le début de la campagne est estimé à 147 M$ US, comparativement aux 360 millions du camp Clinton.

C’est moins que la moitié de son adversaire !

Donc, M. Trump a aussi prouvé qu’il est encore possible de gagner au-delà du pouvoir de l’argent. Bref, on n’achète pas tout avec l’argent aux USA. L’argent n’est pas la garantie du succès.

Si l’élection de M. Obama inspirera encore longtemps les afro-américains à croire en eux, l’exemple de M. Trump encouragera dorénavant tous les entrepreneurs de ce monde.

Parmi les autres interprétations positives du vote historique du 8 novembre 2016, on pourra retenir que ce M. Trump ne monte certainement pas à la Maison-Blanche pour s’enrichir personnellement. Cette préoccupation, voire tentation est belle et bien déjà loin derrière lui.

Il veut changer des choses, notamment un certaine culture politicienne à Washington. Il aura un Congrès tout dévoué à ses bonnes idées. Et c’est la meilleure de toutes les nouvelles de ce 8 novembre, au final. Qu’aurait pu vraiment réaliser une présidente Clinton sans l’appui ni de la Chambre des représentants, ni du Sénat ? C’aurait été deux, voire quatre années de perdues.

Un outsider au pouvoir… Et pourquoi pas ? La gouvernance d’un pays n’a pas, n’a jamais, à être une chasse-gardée pour quiconque. Surtout en démocratie. C’est l’implication de tous qui donne foi, vie et légitimité à la chose. L’implication à TOUS les niveaux.

Un outsider au pouvoir suprême… Ça mérite certainement d’être essayé.

Bonne chance Mister President !



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(Crédit de la Une:


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Largest Cybersecurity Hub : USA, Israel, U.K. and Canada

This is information we have to consider : a recent independent report prepared for Toronto Financial Services Alliance and Ontario Centres of Excellence ranks U.S. first, followed by Israel, the U.K. and Canada as the largest innovation hub in the world for cybersecurity.

Canada ranks as the 4th

Canada ranks as the fourth largest innovation hub in the world for cybersecurity with Ontario leading the country”, concludes the report. And Ontario has the potential to assume a more dominant leadership role in cybersecurity, given its current strengths in financial services and technology, if it takes immediate steps to seize the opportunity.

The ranking is based on venture capital deals in the cybersecurity sector.

« Canada‘s financial industry has an international reputation for stability, safety and growth. And, it is headquartered right here in the Toronto-Waterloo innovation corridor, among one of the largest technology hubs in North America. This presents a huge opportunity to build capacity to support the financial industry and to generate economic growth », says Janet Ecker, President and CEO of TFSA.

Entitled « Harnessing the Cybersecurity Opportunity for Growth », the report was produced by Deloitte LLP (Deloitte), well known for its expertise in this space.

It concludes that there are significant benefits for Ontario if the province were to strengthen its cybersecurity innovation ecosystem, with a focus on the financial services industry.

« We have already established significant clusters of cybersecurity innovation. What’s needed now is the coordination and focused support that will take this to a new level of global competitiveness », says Tom Corr, President and CEO, Ontario Centres of Excellence.

The report also notes that other jurisdictions around the world are poised to step into the breach and recommends that Ontario act quickly on this window of opportunity for growth or risk losing substantive benefits, including high skilled jobs, long-term security and overall economic prosperity.

In the World Economic Forum’s Global Risk 2016 report, cybersecurity risk was recognized as one of the top commercial risks along with geopolitics, the environment, and the economy.

The report can be found online at .


(Image credit: )


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Accord Canada-Europe : les experts ciblent le 27 octobre pour sa signature

« Si la procédure évolue de manière positive, la tendance actuelle est que le Conseil de l’UE prendra le 18 octobre prochain la décision quant à la signature et entrée en vigueur provisoire de l’AECG. Formellement, c’est lors du sommet Canada-UE à Bruxelles le 27 octobre que l’accord serait signé par l’UE et le Canada », analyse l’avocate experte québécoise Geneviève Gagné, dans la dernière chronique juridique de Commerce Monde.

Et vu l’importance de l’AECG « c’est le premier ministre Justin Trudeau qui en sera le signataire », affirme-t-elle aussi.

L’important accord entrerait par la suite provisoirement en vigueur dans le premier semestre 2017, pour la portion EU-only, avec notamment l’abolition immédiate de la presque totalité des barrières tarifaires et l’accès aux marchés public.


Geneviève Gagné
est avocate chez JoliCoeur-Lacasse,
à Québec.


Au-delà du Brexit au Royaume-Uni, c’est davantage une vague de recours collectifs en Allemagne demandant à ce que soit empêchée l’entrée en vigueur provisoire de l’AECG qui occupent les experts. Au nombre de cinq, le plus important des recours regroupe plus de 125 000 procurations.

On invoque des violations de la constitution allemande advenant l’entrée en vigueur provisoire et une implication déficiente du parlement allemand, ainsi que des droits exagérés aux investisseurs étrangers et aux comités qui seront créés sous l’égide de l’AECG.

« Ces questions devront être examinées par la cour constitutionnelle allemande (…) le nombre de plaignants n’ayant toutefois aucune influence sur l’issue de la décision. Si l’AECG entrait en vigueur de manière provisoire, mais qu’un État membre faisait défaut de le ratifier par la suite, dans les faits, cela n’aurait aucun impact sur les dispositions EU-only qui continueraient de s’appliquer, seules celles de compétence nationale (environ 5%-10% de l’accord) ne trouveraient pas application. Une fois l’entrée en vigueur provisoire décidée, seule une déclaration par l’UE ou le Canada à l’effet qu’ils ne désirent plus faire partie de l’AECG pourrait l’annuler », explique encore Geneviève Gagné.

Conclusion en cette fin de septembre 2016 : Même si l’adoption de l’AECG « demeure encore soumise à une certaine imprévisibilité due aux aléas politiques », les récents développements en Europe indiquent que l’entrée en vigueur de l’AECG « est désormais plus prévisible que spéculative ».


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World Première : Scotland launches a national atlas of palliative care

The first Scottish Atlas of Palliative Care was launched this week by University of Glasgow academics at a major palliative care conference “The Scottish Partnership for Palliative Care annual conference”, in Edinburgh. The Scottish Atlas of Palliative Care contains previously-unavailable data on the availability of palliative care services across Scotland. Until now, Scottish data has been encompassed within UK data. It is the first example of a national atlas of palliative care to be produced anywhere in the world.

University initiative

This Atlas was produced by the Reverend Dr Hamilton Inbadas and Dr Michelle Gilles in a programme led by Professor David Clark of the Glasgow End of Life Studies Group, based at the University of Glasgow’s Dumfries campus. In a colourful and attractive design, the Atlas contains maps, tables, lists and diagrams, illustrating which services are available in Scotland, at what level, and where.

The Scottish Atlas (…) presents a picture of the levels of specialist palliative care provided through different types of services, categorised by each health board area. It also offers a useful list of key documents and milestones that capture the development of Scottish palliative care in the areas of policy, education and socio-cultural attitudes”, said Reverend Dr Inbadas, Research Associate in the Glasgow End of Life Studies Group and lead author of the Atlas.

This document responds to a commitment in the Scottish Government’s 2016 Strategic Framework for Action in Palliative and End of Life Care, which in turn was a response to the World Health Assembly resolution in 2014 which requires all governments to recognise palliative care and to make provision for it in their national health policies.

The Scottish Atlas of Palliative Care will support a range of work in progress to contribute towards our vision that by 2021, everyone in Scotland who needs palliative care will have access to it”, said Craig White, Divisional Clinical Lead at the Scottish Government’s Healthcare Quality and Strategy Directorate.

Definitions of the terms used and the layout of the document are based on those of the existing European Atlas of Palliative Care, making the Scottish data comparable with European data for the first time.

Palliative Care

Professor Clark said: “Scotland is not visible in the European Atlas…, and this is something which we wanted to put right. We hope it will inspire other nations to do the same.”

Dr Michelle Gillies, Clinical Lecturer in Public Health at the University of Glasgow, managed the data collection which involved identifying and interviewing service providers and then extracting quantitative data from these narratives.  The team will now analyse the Scottish data and compare it with data from the European Atlas, to outline gaps and areas for improvement in Scotland’s palliative care provision.

This World Première was produced by the University of Glasgow with funding from the Scottish Government.


Link to Scottish Atlas:


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Colombia’s IT industry gained traction in North America

Miami became the Colombia new business hub during September 8th – 9th as 100 Colombian IT companies met with their international clients and counterparts in 1,100 one-on-one business appointments. The 3th edition of the Colombian IT Business Matchmaking Forum organized by ProColombia, the country’s promotion government entity, resulted in the participation of 48 buyers from US, 18 from Canada, 15 from Mexico and one from Puerto Rico. The Forum also attracted venture capital investors from New York, Texas, and South Florida looking to generate investment partnerships and become more visible in the international playing field.

Colombia’s high quality developments and innovative projects have gained great popularity. From 2008 to 2016, the government is expecting a steady growth in sales from the industry reaching a 59% increase. As the third largest provider of IT services in Latin America, Colombia is rising to the top due to government incentives, a seamless free trade agreement platform, competitive free trade zone, proximity and connectivity to North America, personalized service, and a skilled workforce of more than 1.2 million professionals in the financial and services industry. These features and benefits have created an ideal business environment for angel investors and venture capital firms looking to invest in innovative and attractive opportunities.

One of Colombia’s many strengths is its attractive regulatory framework to establish and manage private capital funds, according to the Latin American Private Equity & Venture Capital Association (LAVCA).

The country’s most important sectors are :

  • IT services with a 48% demand
  • Software with a 41% demand
  • Digital content with a 11% demand

In 2015, the IT services industry registered record sales close to US $2.5 billion with an increasing demand from software and IT products oriented to the telecommunications, financial, government, mass consumption, and manufacturing sectors.

A solid economy and steady growth during the past years has been the fuel behind the internationalization strategy that seeks to attract foreign direct investment to develop mobile apps, digital animation, audiovisual products, video games, software and IT.

The Colombian government has created initiatives focused on increasing connectivity, improving professional training, and fostering bilingualism to ensure a more dynamic IT sector. In addition, foreign investors are exempt of Value Added Tax (VAT) in all exported services intended for foreign use or consumption as well as discounts in income tax to increase hiring of nationals. This investment ecosystem is ideal for investors in US and Canada, two of the main digital content exporting destinations for Colombia.



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